Wednesday, August 27, 2008


1. clean every room in the house like it is Spring!
2. Start Karate again
Done...signed up on Wed 1/7/09 with my 2 girls!!
3. Learn sign language
4. get all the scrapbook pages into albums
Getting there...only 1 more to go!
5. Get Micah potty trained!
Started March 3, 2009. Finished YUP!
6. Get caught up in my scrapbooking
7. Go away with DH for at least a weekend
Went to Vegas for 4 days 5/3/09
8. Go on a Family Vacation, a real vacation, in the plans for end of 2009~~to Disney/cruise DONE Jan 2011
9. Get a product that i make to sell, be it pillowcases, dresses, clothes, blankets, whatever and really start selling them!
10. Sell off my scrap stuff that i need to get rid of!
Sold most and will take rest to give away in June for retreat 11. Set up all the birthdays/anniversarys and stuff and start sending cards
Set it up on Sparkpeople with reminders
12. Lose 32 pounds by 12/31/09 be at 165
working on it...25 to go!! as of 1/21/09
19lbs to go as of 3/5/09
13. Take the kids to do volunteer work
14. Go on a Cruise DONE Jan 2011
15. Make it 30 days without buying scrapbook items
16. Make Christmas gifts this year, instead of buying
Done...Made card sets, knitted washcloths, doll clothes!!
17. Exercise 3+ times a week for 10 weeks straight
started Jan 5th...2 weeks done... DONE in April 2009

18. Meet more people that i have chatted with online
19. Take swimming lessons and learn to swim better
20. Go 3 weeks without any soda
21. Save up to go on my scrap retreat and pay in cash!DH paid for the 1st 1/2 of this retreat...saving the rest and spending money!! Up to $140 or so right now DONE
22. clean out the toys for real this time!!
Working on this...2 bags from the basement, 1 bag from Micah's room!23. Finish my scrap goal for this year
Done 12/23/08
24. Play my flute at church...duet maybe?
DONE - played on Nov 2nd!!
25. Participate in Signs of Christmas with my girls
26. Sell the Crib and Changing table and move on from that stage!
Sold for $150!!
27. Get as much sold at the consignment sales as i can

DONE - $552 made, 4 tubs left
28. Get all my items tagged for the Fall Consignment sales and put out in the garage
Done!! 10-11-08
29. Clean out the girls room of stuff they really do not need DONE Summer 2011
30. Clean out Micah's room of stuff he does not play with DONE
31. Donate items that do not sell/will not sell
DONE - Oct 2008, donated 2 times a total of 8 bags + a little more
32. Donate Scrap items to Hanby for club
Done 10/07/08
33. Paint and decorate the Kids Bathroom
DH painted over Easter weekend and I got the decor from consignment sale!! 4/14/09
34. Get the piece of carpet remnant from garage and cut and put in basement
35. Meet someone from MommyTalk
36. Go to a Columbus Crew soccer game
37. Finish my Baby Photo album
38. Finish my BOM
39. Start a Photo Album for DH as a child
40. Help Alivia get all her Brownie try-its
She is bridged to a bunch but not all
41. Help Abby get all her Brownie try-its NOPE, just the ones she wanted May 2011
42. volunteer at Girl scout camp summer 2009, 2010, 2011
All signed up and ready to go!
43. Plan for a pantry in garage
DONE - shelf up and food moved
44. move bikes to shed and get it locked
Done 12/01/08, yeah, got this done finally!45. make an inventory sheet for pantry and fridge/freezer.
DONE 10/11/08
46. start a food stash for later use
working on it a little at a time
47. Meal plan and figure out a set of 20 meals we like
48. Make a list of what we have in the house...
working on it 10/11/08, need to revise the used and the new!! DONE again on 3/30/09
49. meet with my new Mentor and set up plans
met with Christie...meeting here and there!!
50. Start to have daily devotional/bible time, be consistant 4-5 times a week
51. Set a new scrap goal, and get it done....300 pages for 2009!!61 done, 239 to go!! DONE
52. Need a lot more refill pages to do this!!53. Make 209 cards on 2009,
75 done, 134 to go!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A New Blog for me!!!

I have decided to jump on this and see what i can actually get done if i put my mind to it!!!

I will be starting my 101 list soon!!